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Posted on 31st May 2024

SafeNet raise over £6,500 for Gaza

Over the last few months, we’ve been busy raising money to help the children and families affected by the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

We recently closed our Gaza fundraiser and we’re happy to announce that we raised just over £6,500 raised for Save the Children. This total is far more than we had anticipated raising when we held our bake sale in March – and we couldn’t have achieved it without your support.

Whether that was by baking, making, buying, donating, walking or climbing, we want to say a huge thank you to everyone who supported this humanitarian appeal. We would also like to thank you to everyone who sent in donations or contributed via the Just Giving pages.

Also, many thanks to those who contributed their own time to organise specific events over the period. You have made a real difference in a time of great need. We have witnessed high levels of compassion and outstanding generosity from work colleagues and their home communities.

Fundraising ran throughout the Easter and Ramadan period, with fundraising events such as a group-wide bake sale, a beauty pop-up shop and a sponsored walk up Pendle Hill acting as big moments in our fundraising journey.

Everyone continues to the deeply concerned about what is happening in Gaza, and we want to continue supporting the children and families at risk. We want them to be safe from harm, and have access to food, clean water, shelter and medical aid. I know many of us share the hope that this truly dreadful situation will soon start to be resolved and people will be safe again.

Please note that this was a humanitarian initiative, not a political one and as an organisation we are not taking a political stance or aligning with any political bodies.

Thank you for all your support!


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